tirsdag 31. juli 2012

Jupiter i konjunksjon med saturn

Saturn conjunct Jupiter The conjunction of Jupiter to Saturn shows that you have enormous potential for success, although it won't come without effort. In spite of overwhelming odds against success, you are eager to explore new means to make a massive assault and assert yourself in the world. You have the fortitude and staying power to mobilize all your resources for this task. Planning every step of the way is absolutely essential, aliong with knowing when to act and when not to. You have a vivid picure of your future already realized in your dreams, but you are realistic enough to accept the responsibility this entails. You know that even with a driving ambition, striving for significance is not enough unless it satisfies a clearly pictured mental vision. You have the courage to be ostentatious about your belief in yourself, while remaining cautious enough to stay within your limits. Your capacity to achieve goals is in direct proportion to your willingness to accept self-discipline and hard work. The glow of success is so sweet that you can accept these facts.

You are hopeful yet realistic, eager yet serious, assertive yet deliberate. Generally you don't take chances, preferring to use proven methods to get what you want. You apply your talents in the most practical way so that little effort is wasted on non-productive projects. You can find rewarding satisfaction and exploit your creative talents in law, education, medicine, accounting, or the ministry. To these fields you would bring a profound understanding of people and an ability to help solve their problems. You are patient with less gifted people and willing to be of assistance when they need you.

In your moments of relative leisure, you enjoy reading informative books that are useful in your professional interests. In your constant striving to raise your level of competence, you might attend evening sessions at an educational institution. Never satisfied with the extent of your knowledge, you realize that competition requires to to keep abreast of current thought and developments in your field.

You respect the lessons of history, which stimulate your philosophical musings on destiny and the role of each individual in the destiny of man. Your retentive memory is a great help in crises that require an immediate solution; you may even be surprised that the necessary information comes to mind so readily at the right time.

Overdoing is your most persistent problem, for it can cause physical exhaustion. You especially need to get away from your daily concerns and truly unwind. Frequent 'little vacations' are especially effective in restoring vitality and giving you a fresh approach to your goals.

The heat

The heat you feel inside you is my heat.
The passion that drives you is my passion.
The courage that empowers you is my courage.
The anger that brings you justice is my anger.
The love that blazes in your life is my love.

For to all beings I bring the energy of fire and the power of truth.

Jupiter i konjunksjon med saturn

Jupiter conjunct Saturn
You have a conservative streak in you that is seeking the lowest common denominator. You get to your goal in life and accomplish much by slow, tenacious effort. Your life really takes off between the ages of 27 and 36. It is during this time that you "find yourself". Your success is directly linked to the success of the culture. You rise and fall with the fortunes of everyone else. Seeing this principle in operation, perhaps you can pace yourself so that you don't waste time and energy trying to push your own life forward faster than the country or the social order can assimilate it. -- Interpretation from the Indra report.
*Your aspirations and dreams are always tempered by realism and practical considerations. You pursue your aims in a systematic, disciplined, and thorough manner, and you are willing to take your time, advancing slowly and steadily on your way to your goal.

Sometimes you underestimate what is possible, and hold yourself back unnecessarily due to a lack of faith or an overly cautious attitude.
#Patience is the key ingredient to management of change in your life. You have survived many previous changes, and your spiritual future will doubtless include some more. You make progress in seclusion.
~This aspect occurs about every nineteen years, lasts for a considerable period, and thus affects large numbers of people born during these times. In general, it indicates a period of law and order, and people born under it are pillars of society, quietly and nobly ambitious to succeed, but willing to do so only in an orthodox and utterly honorable fashion. If you have this aspect you are conventional, orderly, proud, aspiring, with a quiet dignity about you that impresses your friends. In whatever sphere you may be you are supported and made prosperous and secure to some extent.
If you also have Moon conjunct/sextile/or trine Jupiter, or Sun conjunct/sextile or trine Jupiter: You will rise to considerable honor, or even fame, though you will have a long apprenticeship to serve before your value and worth are recognized. You are eager for recognition but hate notoriety, so your recognition when it comes will rest on secure foundations.
If you also have Mars square or opposition Saturn: You have a swifter rise, more aggressive nature, and less certain tenure of public approval.
If you also have Mars sextile or trine Saturn, or Jupiter sextile or trine Uranus, or Jupiter sextile or trine Neptune: There is a probability of wealth.
This position is somewhat late in bringing its benefits, generally not being felt until after the thirtieth year, except in setting the mold of your personality and your ambitions; but after this it works steadily on your side. Positions of influence are most likely - government, army, ministry, the law. You may be an author, leaving your imprint on literature for generations.
Some Famous People with Jupiter conjunct Saturn: Walt Disney.

Bli hvis du kan. Reis hvis du må. / Alle vil hjem. Ingen vil tilbake.

Jeg har hørt mye bra om disse bøkene - og valgte derfor å lese de. Boka passer perfekt for de som har åpne sår som må heles etter Afghanistan-krigen. Og det er det kanskje mange som har, da krigen har preget det siste tiåret her i landet... Boka traff meg på en måte, der den låste opp nøkkelen til en skuff jeg hadde låst og kasta nøkkelen til. Boka passer også godt til de som sliter med sorg på noe måte.Bok nummer to handler om hvordan man går videre etter å takle en stor sorg - og jeg syns det er bra at det ikke sminkes på noe måte.

Et annet tema som tas opp er forventninger og foreldre/ung voksen-rollen. Ikke velg hvordan andre skal leve livet sitt, da blir det bare krøll, er et budskap jeg ser i boka.

I tillegg liker jeg skiftet at synsvinkel. Artig å se hvordan de ulike personene tolker hverandre, misforstår, og tror de er de eneste som sliter med noe...

 Jeg kan ikke anbefale disse bøkene nok, de er ekstremt bra, handler om en hel haug med folk som sliter på hver sin måte.

Jeg begynte på boka kl 9 en kveld, leste til rundt halv 1, leste 1 time morgenen etterpå, og vips så var jeg ferdig med begge bøkene i serien. Jeg hadde det ikke travelt, men ble presset fremover av en sult til å finne ut hva som kom til å skje videre... Det sier MYE, da jeg verken er en entusiastisk leser eller spesielt glad i skjønnlitteratur.... 

Sayings # Men/women

Men fall in love with what they see. 
Women fall in love with what they hear.
That`s why women wear make up and men lie....

Ron Paul / Condoleezza Rice

Interessant dialog mellom Rice og Paul :)

Dagens sang: Lucky Soul

Pallas Athene

Pallas Athena

Pallas Signs Pallas Athena was the second asteroid discovered. Named after Jupiter's daughter, Pallas Athena is intelligent and cerebral. She is the weaver of patterns, linking ideas together. She is strategic command in both the warrior and the peaceful general.

Cities are her domain. She has an interconnection with Libra because of her focus on ideas. Like Libra, she can see both sides. She is not blind justice… she is only just. She is creative and artistic. She is a survivor. She expects everyone to claim their personal power.

Where her influence falls is where you will find talents in the following areas. Jupiter's daughter carries influence over many things, such as the immune system, the arts, the father/daughter relationship, intuition, justice, wisdom, defense, horses and the kidneys.
With her spotlight on daddy's little girl, Pallas Athena will help determine how you interpret your relationship with your father, and in turn how you treat all males in general. On her negative side, Pallas Athena touches on conflict, legal battles, injustice and illnesses due to a weakened immune system.

torsdag 26. juli 2012

Sola i konjunksjon med neptun

Sun Conjunct Neptune

Those with the Sun conjunct Neptune have a hazy boundary line to the ego, and the personality can be extraordinarily sensitive, compassionate, and gentle. The person feels selfless and devoted, and is capable of surrendering to life. The individual is adept at making sacrifices for others. Sun conjunct Neptune’s vision is altruistic, and inspired. Stephen Arroyo says this combination is exceptionally common in those whose lives are guided by a larger, more encompassing vision than normal.

The Sun-Neptune conjunction can make the individual over-sensitive and vulnerable, and the nebulous influence of Neptune tends to confuse the personality. Sun-Neptune types can drift into the world of drink and drugs in order to avoid facing some of the harsher aspects in life. Confronting reality is not always easy for those who are prominently Neptune. It’s easy to wander off into their dreams and become lost in their imagination, Neptunian aspects have a tendency to live in their own reality.

Sun-Neptune’s self-image is attached to idealistic images and unrealistic expectations, which only leads to disillusionment and disappointment down the line. One of the hardest lessons for Sun-Neptune is facing the realities of life. The real self may be lost under Neptune, and the task involves trying to keep hold of their self-confidence even when it feels like it is slipping away, vanishing, and dissolving.

Sun conjunct Neptune can lose themselves in art, music, drama, film and photography and they are heavily influenced by fantasy, these people are tremendously creative. Another avenue for Neptune is working in medicine, social work, or in the community, and this helps the individual to serve the collective (Neptune) in some capacity, which can be highly fulfilling, because they have a strong desire to serve and please. The individual is easily inspired, and the gifts of Neptune come from the sea and so there is a great affinity with the ocean, and it channels itself through the conscious side of the personality. If this gift is successfully channelled it can benefit us all, and it can reveal a luminous experience behind life.

The intuitive and psychic ability is often well developed, and the individual is open to many different realities. Some astrologers even describe this placement as the mystic in the truest sense. C.E.O Carter believes this is the most common aspect in the charts of astrologers, especially those involved in the art of predictive astrology. The author also says that whatever subject interests the native, there is usually a life-long devotion.

The image of the father can be strongly spiritual, and there is a nebulous and confused image around him. The father and other male images are strongly idealized, and it may be difficult to get hold of the real father. Sometimes the father is highly religious or spiritual, gentle and sensitive. Sun-Neptune’s own self-image is hard-to-define, and their feelings and yearnings create confusion and self-deception. The father may have been thirsting for more in life, but sometimes this is the best combination for someone who goes after his/her dreams in life knowing the sadness one can feel when they live an unfulfilled existence. The personality is sometimes evasive, and the individual slides away from real confrontation, and this makes is difficult to achieve their dreams and follow their solar path.

The individual may be susceptible to illnesses, and they need to take care around drugs and medication as they are extremely sensitive. A couple of astrologers have linked this combination with suicide and this follows closely with Sun-Pluto aspects, too. It’s probably not hard to work out why, as both planets have a connection to death and other-realms. Some Sun-Neptune types have a strong avoidance of life and they long to escape it all. Neptune has to be handled carefully, but it can open up the person to strong creativity, sensitivity, and connectivity with others. Neptune can transform the personality, but Neptune can also elude the individual, and the most difficult part of the aspect is not having a clear, objective or accurate self-image, and then the personality gets moody and confused.

Økonomi: En ting jeg har lurt på....

Hvorfor gir husbanken lån til ekstremt dyre leiligheter - når det heter seg at de skal kun gi lån til rimelige og beskjedne boliger? ..... Hvor er logikken?

tirsdag 24. juli 2012

Har du en falsk venn?

Har du en falsk venn???

Fant denne artikkelen på nett... Viktige ord...

En falsk venn har ingen bruk for, og en slik person kan rett og slett skade deg. Hvis du blir rakket ned på, baksnakket, ikke hørt på, aldri får hjelp, - da bør du begynne å tenke…

Svarer du JA på 3 eller flere av disse spørsmålene, så har du faktisk en falsk venn

- Du blir lei deg, fortvilet eller trist etter å ha snakket med denne ”vennen”
- Dine nærmeste reagerer på at denne personen er din ”venn”
- Denne ”vennen” bryter til stadighet avtaler uten å gi deg beskjed
- Din ”venns” problemer er alltid større en de problemene du har
- Hvis du ikke er kjapp nok med å svare på telefonen, blir denne ”vennen” sint og forlanger en  forklaring
- Blir du ikke med på noe som din ”venn” har foreslått, blir han/hun sur
- Ting som du har betrodd deg til din ”vennen” om, blir ofte gjenfortalt til andre
- Har du andre venner enn denne ”vennen”, blir han/hun snurt og skuffa
- ”Vennen” gir deg ofte negative tilbakemeldinger på hvordan du ser ut, eller hvordan du har det hjemme

Her er nyttige tips du kan gjøre for å vise din falske venn at du ikke finner deg i alt

- Vær ikke for mye sammen med denne ”vennen” alene. Han/hun vil nok skjerpe seg i andres nærvær
- Vær forsiktig med å fortelle om dine innerste hemmeligheter
- Vær mer utilgjengelig for denne ”vennen”, og spill litt kostbar
- Vær trygg på deg selv og stå på dine meninger, selv om han/hun blir sur når du er uenig
- Vær bestemt når du sier i fra at nok er nok, å få personen til å be om unnskyldning
- Vær egoist, og kjenn på dine behov før du tydelig sier i fra

Kloke ord om vennskap

"Ikke gå foran meg, kanskje følger jeg deg ikke. Ikke gå bak meg, for kanskje jeg ikke viser vei. Gå ved siden av meg og bare vær min venn"
Albert Camus
"Når vi har medgang, kjenner våre venner oss. Når vi har motgang, kjenner vi våre venner"
John Churton Collins
"Man kan ikke være lykkelig uten en venn, men man kan heller ikke være trygg på sin venn før man er ulykkelig"
Thomas Fulle

mandag 23. juli 2012

Part of Fortune, 8 hus


The person with his Part of Fortune in the eighth house is like a walking testimonial to eighth house matters if he uses this placement correctly. He is interested in the occult, has good powers of regeneration and rejuvenation, and can be an expert at investigation, research, detective work. He can keep a secret so well that he is like an international diplomat, and he can indeed earn a living this way. This person can also make a living based on the talents and abilities of others, as a theatrical agent or manage other people's money. This person is usually very attractive, due to personal magnetism.

Nordlige måneknute i løven i 9. hus

North Node Leo 9th House/ South Node Aquarius 3rd House

Developing a personal philosophy of life.
Living a lifestyle that encourages self-expression.
Finding your personal place within your religion or belief system.
Finding a belief system that helps you feel special and appreciated.
Creating your own philosophy of life.
Putting heart into your philosophy of life.
Living life with heart and meaning.
 Putting yourself into your belief system.
Warming up your approach to religion, culture and higher education.
Putting your personal spin on big picture issues.
Putting your personal stamp on the big subjects.
 Finding out what your personal take on god, creation, the meaning of life, etc… is.
Being willful about what you believe.
 Having the courage to find meaning in your life.
Imbuing your life with personal meaning.
 No longer being an Existentialist.
Finding out what gives you meaning.
Getting out of overly logical thought processes by allowing yourself to simply play with ideas.
 Letting yourself play with concepts and abstractions.
Becoming less serious when it comes to the big picture.
 Using your ingenious mind to play with larger concepts.
 Becoming more creative with what the possibilities are.
Finding meaning in art and self-expression.
 Finding meaning in relationships with children.
Finding meaning through access to your inner child.
Maintaining an objective personal viewpoint yet still being passionately involved in your opinions.
Letting go of all the bizarre thoughts that prevent you from opening your heart to outside experiences and beliefs.

Nordlige måneknute i løven. nr 2

Through previous incarnations the soul has acquired an overemphasis of energy in the area of over identification with the aspirations of peers and community.  Motivated by a pressing need to feel a sense of belonging through being accepted by their peers, Leo North Node individuals have lost touch with their own individuality and creativity.

In order to heal this energy imbalance of the soul, a critical lesson for these individuals is to learn to take on the challenge of expressing their individuality and actively pursuing their own dreams.  This challenge can be facilitated by tuning into what brings them joy and being prepared to take the emotional risk of allowing this joy to motivate the creative process necessary to achieve their goals and dreams.

Getting in touch with and expressing their inner child is beneficial to the healing process for Leo North Node individuals.  Allowing their behaviour to be spontaneous, childlike, playful, adventurous, joyful will help them connect to the inner vitality which is necessary to spark the creative self expression needed to bring these individuals happiness in this lifetime.  Cultivating a variety of interests and projects which are creative and enjoyable will also energize Leo North Node individuals and assist them in this key healing process.

A critical lesson that needs to be learnt in this lifetime by Leo North Node individuals is to let go of past life behavioural patterns of detaching from emotional situations.  A conscious attempt needs to be made by these individuals to become actively involved in emotional exchange -  to relate to others in a more feeling oriented way by honestly communicating what is in their hearts rather than over reliance on impersonal, intellectual responses or total withdrawal from the emotional situation.

Many events in this incarnation will provide Leo North Node individuals with the challenge of learning to find a comfortable point of balance between the energy polarities of creative self expression (Leo North Node) and creative collective expression (Aquarius South Node) so that a true sense of internal harmony can be attained by these individuals which will help to align them with their spiritual purpose and path.

Nordlige måneknute i Løven /eller i 5. hus...

Betyr følgende....

North Node in Leo and/or in the Fifth House
With North Node in Leo, our South Node is in Aquarius. With North Node in the fifth house, our South Node is in the eleventh house.
A tendency to rely on others who may let us down, to come across as impersonal or distant in our dealings with others, to be fearful of being the center of attention and standing out as an individual, to fear taking risks, and to fall back on peers and community at the expense of our own individuality are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to avoid falling into the easy trap of worrying about what others think about us. Instead, we need to strike out in our own individual and creative path without fear. We need to make a conscious effort to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner, rather than falling back on reason and intellect which detaches us from our feelings. We can easily alienate others when we over-emphasize equality to the point that we won't acknowledge individuals' uniqueness. We can too easily lose touch with our own heart by rationalizing our feelings, and become overly involved with other people's problems at the expense of our inner needs for attention. Learning to take personal risks, which requires a certain amount of self-confidence, will help us to achieve inner balance and happiness.

søndag 22. juli 2012

Siden jeg er inne på amerikansk politikk...

Siden jeg er inne på amerikansk politikk for tiden... Sykt bra foredrag av Condoleezza Rice...Mange åpenbare ting, som man lett glemmer... Skulle ønske jeg hørte dette 1. året mitt på universitetet :-)

Jeg tok en test som viser hvor du står i amerikansk politikk....

Jeg tok en test om amerikansk politikk - og ble ganske forbauset over svaret... Mitt Romney altså? Ikke akkurat 100% score, men allikevel??! Er dette en testside for å få folk til å bli republikanere??? Kanskje siden er laget for å få folk til å forlate demokratene? Jeg hadde forventet Ron Paul først, og så litt Obama... Nå svarte jeg litt konservativt på noen av spørsmålene, men ikke såååå konservativt...

Jeg er altså enig med Mitt Romney i: economic, foreign policy, immigration, social and environmental issues...

Ron Paul: economic, domestic policy, immigration and social issues

Gary Johnson: (hvem er det forresten?) : economic, domestic policy and science issues

Barack Obama: science and health care issues.

Enig med Obama i science, det må være at jeg svarte at jeg trodde på evolusjonsteorien eller?:)

At jeg er 83% republikaner er vanskelig å leve med! :P

22 / 7

I dag hadde vært en fin dag å skrive noe smart om 22. juli. Jeg orker bare ikke. Jeg klarer bare ikke mer. Jeg føler i tillegg at alt smart som er å skrive allerede har blitt skrevet. Politiske kommentarer. Personlige beretninger. Jeg står så langt unna det på så mange vis. I stedet har jeg egentlig ikke orket å se så mye nyheter, dog kommer man ikke unna de uansett. Litt taler fra Utøya, og så har jeg jeg sett litt på minnemarkeringen. Mesteparten av dagen har jeg tilbringt på ei strand. Føltes bedre det. Tok en del bilder og hadde litt moro med det, gitt. Det var fint...

Jeg har imidlertid mye jeg kunne skrevet. Om drømmene jeg hadde i forkant blant annet. Men siden jeg lurer på om det under gjennomsnittlig smart, i forhold til alt som er skrevet allerede, lar jeg være. Jeg lurer også på om jeg ikke reagerer følelsesmessig rett i forhold til hendelsene. Da jeg hørte talen til Jens, Eskil og den danske statsministeren, fulgte jeg nøye med på hvilke ord de brukte og hvilke virkemidler de brukte for å få frem budskapet sitt. I en sådan stund, velger jeg å fokusere på fakta...

Slik jeg husker dagen i fjor, blir også såpass personlig at jeg vet ikke om jeg orker å blogge om det en gang. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.. What happens on the internet, stays on the internet.... En av de tingene som gjør mest inntrykk på meg, er at en av de som ble hardt skadet på Utøya, faktisk er en jeg vet hvem er. Jeg har mange minner om personen, og har en menneskelig lapp å klistre på en av de mange ofrene. Man blir alltid mer empatisk når du føler en eller annen nærhet eller likhet til et offer. Det er en psykologisk kjensgjerning. Jeg er glad personen overlevde, selvfølgelig - men syns det er vanskelig å forholde meg til de grusomme skadene. Imidlertid er jo det å overleve faktisk ikke så verst i et Utøya-perspektiv. Det føles fælt å skrive... Tankene mine er hos de etterlatte. De som sitter med en sorg og et savn som sannsynligvis ikke slipper taket noensinne.

Det høres ut som en klisje - men kanskje bør vi bli flinkere til å ta vare på hverandre og se hverandre? Ingen vet når livet tar slutt. Og ingen vet hva som skjuler seg bak en fasade, inni et menneskesinn.... Det er ihvertfall det jeg alltid tenker på når tragiske ting har skjedd tidligere i livet - bli flinkere til å vise akkurat ,.vel kjærlighet...