lørdag 12. mai 2012

WTF Life Facts og litt til...

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Litt WTF Life Facts, og litt fra andre også....

Girls with high levels of trust with their fathers have better communication and trust with their boyfriends, study shows

There was a breed of dog that was so aggressive it went extinct in part because the males and females would fight than mate

Ro, ro til fiskeskjær, håper du finner bedre argumenter der

Lex Breivik som strider mot grunnleggende rettssikkerhet, lex Gud som diskriminerer homofile og nå tiggerforbud. Fritt demokrati?

Slik finner jeg ut om folk ute på byen har sjel: Fortell meg om noe du bryr deg om

If a cockroach touches a human, it runs to safety and cleans itself

You can survice without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping

Most people make a decision regarding a person attraction within three seconds of meeting

Ninety one percent of women would prefer to cancel their first date rather than show up without make up

Cuddling with a teddy bear releases the same amount of endorphins as having sexual intercourse

According to one theory, people who chew a lot of ice have a high sex drive

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